Dani Fontaine
ServicesOfferings of Service
If you want to know one thing about me, is I am here this life to be of service.
Most people know me through the cannabis industry. As that plant is my passion and life work. However over the years of working with this wonderful plant Cannabis, I have been fortunate enough to learn, study and practice with other highly conscious and sentient plant beings.
It truly is a combined effort and I treat my work as such. Each person is very unique and should be approached as such.
I am so passionate about helping people and being of service, I had to create my own website and streamline it all.
I have been doing word of mouth referrals for 15 years and I am ready, confident and excited to embark on offering my services to the public.
I have books, protocols, information and tools to get you where you need to be on your journey to Well.
I am licensed and certified as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Massage therapist, Reiki therapist, Sound Healing therapist, Breath work Coach and Plant Medicine therapist.
The internet I am learning all about how to have shops and ability to access tools, so I am building that up and will be available Q1 2024.
My book, An Introduction to Aromatic Breath Work, is going to be out by February 2024! I can not wait to embark on that journey with you all!